This is the second instalment of a three part dialogue I had with Tony Dias during his stay in October. Building on our dialogue on practice, we approach the topic of craft, which has weaved itself through many of our previous dialogues. Listening back to what was said, it feels like we’re circling around a description of a way of being that holds being immersed in a world of extremes. What happened to me in this dialogue was a physical realisation – and a somewhat stuttering articulation – of how this way of being is more effective than the urge for rushing to action that I’ve often felt. Because any action that flows from this way of being is not re-action, it simply responds to what is needed. It is a fulfilment instead of just scratching an itch.
We begin with Tony’s poem interpenetrating waves, an image which stayed with us throughout the dialogue.
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
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